ESS version And CallService version
A. eOTPlan/ eOT
1. eOT Plan able to apply over control hours. [EModule-2159]
2. OT In Days Not Show in EOT Report. [EModule-2166][Issue ID:934]
3. OT Plan: Assign OT Hours – Auto refresh “Work+OT Hours” and “Pending OT Hours” when select EmpNo and Overtime Date. [EModule-2167]
4. Cannot load OT Application On Behalf of Subordinate, reported by Kaifa. [EModule-2170]
5. Enhancement for plan OT approval page detail. [EModule-2180]
6. Failed to previewe Current Pending OT – Due to OTHours2 is 3.5. [EModule-2221]
7. Approve Plan Overtime – Slow due to many records. [EModule-2225]
8. eOT Plan Unmatched Page Enhancement. [EModule-2242]
9. Disable to selection of OT code in eOT Plan (Apply plan OT, Edit Plan OT, Approve Plan OT) [EModule-2245][Issue ID:970]
10. eOT – Approver see the resubmit OT application when login to the system (Home.aspx). [EModule-2246]
11. Reset Approve Plan OT Synchronization Enhancement. [EModule-2247]
B. eClaims (Welfare)
1. eStaff Report – User Claim Report (Welfare) to be sort by Emp No. as default. [EModule-2161][Issue ID:932]
2. eClaim/ BenefitTran Desc Limitations. [EModule-2164]
3. Welfare Dashboard Summary. [EModule-2175][Issue ID:917]
4. Add NEW Variables in Welfare Document Rules: [EModule-2212][Issue ID:954][MobileESS-2213]
5. Welfare Posting Date Enhancement.[EModule-2228][Issue ID:962]
C. Admin
1. HR Announce -Image upload no response. [EModule-2171][Issue ID:938]
2. Synchronous Staff Status From iFlexiHRMS. [EModule-2174][Issue ID:923]
3. Enhancement – Route Level Setup. [EModule-2190][Issue ID:946]
D. eEmployee
1. Employee Change Password/Email Page Access Rights Enhancement. [EModule-2183][Issue ID:944]
2. E-employee Access permission Issue. [EModule-2184]
3. Child Tax Description. [EModule-2215][Issue ID:950]
E. eLeave
1. Update Resubmit Status Color for Leave Calendar. [EModule-2188][Issue ID:940]
2. No Searching Function in the Leave Route Calendar. [EModule-2189][Issue ID:939]
3. Apply leave on day type V not show on dashboard. [EModule-2192][Issue ID:948]
4. Remove Red color highlight in the Leave Approval type APPROVE (Approver Page). [EModule-2211][Issue ID:953]
5. Leave Apply Cut Off Date Issue. [EModule-2232]
F. ePayslip
1. EA & EC Form 2024. [EModule-2234]
G. CallService (
1. Add leave day and leave hour in email notification – Email ID:LEAVEAPPROVELIST. [EModule-2218][Issue ID:957]
2. Error Sync OTPlan to iFlexi Bcos Unclosed ‘ Mark. [EModule-2243]