iFLEXiHRMS Visitor Management System

iFLEXi Visitor Management System (VMS) helps facilities to easily screen and track visitors to their building. VMS enables better management of building security and improved services with more efficient visitor processing.
The system automates the capture of information from MyKad, thus provides validation of visitor and remove potential human error in keying visitor information.
The old fashioned version of a visitor management system is the sign-in sheet — a piece of paper usually kept on a clipboard or in a binder at the front desk. At some point, that sign-in sheet gets filed away, or shredded, and a new sheet appears on the clipboard to record the next 10 or so visitors.
It’s not a particularly good visitor management system (and certainly not environmentally friendly). But it does work. And as long as you’re happy to pay someone to sit at the front desk all day (Extra labour cost), just in case a visitor or delivery may arrive.
iFlexi Visitor Management System (VMS) helps you to ease those problem above, it also come with easily screen and track visitors to their building. VMS enables better management of building security and improved services with more efficient visitor processing.
Features of iFLEXi Visitor Management System
Integrate with MyKad Reader
Support Fingerprint Recognition, Web Cam, IP Cam
Able to store every history visitor record
Able to track employee leave schedule
Block & Black listed visitor function
Why Chose iFLEXi Visitor Management System
- Eliminate interruptions
- Maximum the power of Office Security
- Necessary Receptionists
- Branding Image
- Minimize typing error & human mistake
- User-Friendly Interface Design
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