EIS Contribution Table Calculation for HRMS Payroll Malaysia
What is EIS in Malaysia?
EIS, is also known as Employment Insurance System Malaysia, is a job insurance program mainly for supporting Malaysia employee who lost their jobs by giving a temporary financial assistance which allow them to carry on their living while facing through hardship.
EIS job loss insurance program is opened applicable for Malaysia’s employees begin from 2019.
EIS Calculation in Malaysia
There are several segments for Malaysian who required/subjected to EIS contribution.
- All private sector employers and employees are required to contribute a percentage of employee’s monthly salary towards EIS contribution.
- All Malaysia and PR employees aged between 18 and 60 years’ old
- Civil servants, domestic servants and self-employed are exempted from EIS contribution.
- While announcing EIS Contribution project, who those employees aged falls between 57 and 60 (who had never contributed to EIS) are exempted from EIS Contribution.
Learn more about iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System towards employee EIS Calculation Malaysia

iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System allow you to one click process employee monthly EIS Contribution. It is a simple and easy payroll software system by allowing your company employee EIS Contribution Malaysia can be done easily and efficiency.
iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System free up your time from tedious and complex payroll calculations, preparation of pay slips and all statutory submissions. It built for your business, and grow with your business.
Who can apply for EIS Claims?
Note* Many Malaysian lost their jobs during MCO period. If you happened to know one of them or you are the one of them, learn more about EIS and know that how much you can claim from employment benefits.
EIS Eligible covers:
- You are a Malaysian citizen
- Your aged fall between 18 – 60
- Working in Private sector
- You have been contributing to EIS by reaching the minimum amount of fund or reached the specific minimum time period
- You are employed based on contract
Not Eligible for EIS claims:
- Domestic workers
- Self-employed
- Civil Servants
- Employed in local authorities and statutory bodies
- Employee aged 57 – 60 who didn’t participate in EIS scheme before
For loss job employee, you have to fall into the following category in order to apply EIS claims
Reason to lose your job:
- Normal retrenchment and redundancy
- Voluntary/Mutual Separation Scheme (VS/MSS)
- Closure of the company due to natural disasters
- Bankruptcy of your employed company
- Constructive dismissal
- Resignation due to sexual harassment or threats(bully) made in the employed company
- Resignation due to perform dangerous duties (not within your job scope)
For loss job employee, you are not eligible for EIS claims if you are
- Fired by employers
- Voluntary resignation
- Retirement
- Contract expiry
**Do note that if you didn’t claim EIS benefits within 60 days after your retirement, you are also not eligible for claiming EIS benefits.
Learn more about iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System towards employee EIS Calculator Malaysia
iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System allow you to one click process employee monthly EIS Contribution. It is a simple and easy payroll software system by allowing your company employee EIS Contribution Malaysia can be done easily and efficiency.
iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System free up your time from tedious and complex payroll calculations, preparation of pay slips and all statutory submissions. It built for your business, and grow with your business.
How to Calculate EIS Calculation for HRMS Payroll?
For both employers and employees are required to make a 0.2% on employee’s monthly salary towards EIS contribution.
However, employee that salary & wages below RM30 are exempted for contributing EIS. Refer to the EIS contribution table below.
Update Notice on Contribution Amount for Act 4 and Act 800 in accordance with the Increment of the Wage Ceiling Limit
Effective 1st September 2022, PERKESO will enforce a new wage ceiling for contributions from RM4,000 to RM5,000 per month. The contribution amount that apply to employees with salaries exceeding RM4,000 per month is stated in the Third Schedule, Act 4 and the Second Schedule, Act 800. For employees with salaries exceeding RM5,000 per month, the contribution amount is subject to the wage ceiling of RM5,000. Accordingly, the contribution payment for the month of September 2022 and the subsequent months shall be made by the employer according to the new wage ceiling.
Refer to SOCSO Contribution Table here.
Submit Your SOCSO and EIS Contribution Together Now.
EIS Contribution Table for EIS Calculation in Malaysia
Rate of contribution for both employers and employee as follows:
No | EIS Contribution as per employee monthly salary | Employer’s EIS Contribution | Employee’s EIS Contribution | Total EIS Contribution |
1 | RM0 – RM30.00 | 5 sen | 5 sen | 10 sen |
2 | RM30.01 – RM50.00 | 10 sen | 10 sen | 20 sen |
3 | RM50.01 – RM70.00 | 15 sen | 15 sen | 30 sen |
4 | RM70.01 – RM100.00 | 20 sen | 20 sen | 40 sen |
5 | RM100.01 – RM140.00 | 25 sen | 25 sen | 50 sen |
6 | RM140.01 – RM200.00 | 35 sen | 35 sen | 70 sen |
7 | RM200.01 – RM300.00 | 50 sen | 50 sen | RM1.00 |
8 | RM300.01 – RM400.00 | 70 sen | 70 sen | RM1.40 |
9 | RM400.01 – RM500.00 | 90 sen | 90 sen | RM1.80 |
10 | RM500.01 – RM600.00 | RM1.10 | RM1.10 | RM2.20 |
11 | RM600.01 – RM700.00 | RM1.30 | RM1.30 | RM2.60 |
12 | RM700.01 – RM800.00 | RM1.50 | RM1.50 | RM3.00 |
13 | RM800.01 – RM900.00 | RM1.70 | RM1.70 | RM3.40 |
14 | RM900.01 – RM1000.00 | RM1.90 | RM1.90 | RM3.80 |
15 | RM1000.01 – RM1100.00 | RM2.10 | RM2.10 | RM4.20 |
16 | RM1100.01 – RM1200.00 | RM2.30 | RM2.30 | RM4.60 |
17 | RM1200.01 – RM1300.01 | RM2.50 | RM2.50 | RM5.00 |
18 | RM1300.01 – RM1400.00 | RM2.70 | RM2.70 | RM5.40 |
19 | RM1400.01 – RM1500.00 | RM2.90 | RM2.90 | RM5.80 |
20 | RM1500.01 – RM1600.00 | RM3.10 | RM3.10 | RM6.20 |
21 | RM1600.01 – RM1700.00 | RM3.30 | RM3.30 | RM6.60 |
22 | RM1700.01 – RM1800.00 | RM3.50 | RM3.50 | RM7.00 |
23 | RM1800.01 – RM1900.00 | RM3.70 | RM3.70 | RM7.40 |
24 | RM1900.01 – RM2000.00 | RM3.90 | RM3.90 | RM7.80 |
25 | RM2000.01 – RM2100.00 | RM4.10 | RM4.10 | RM8.20 |
26 | RM2100.01 – RM2200.00 | RM4.30 | RM4.30 | RM8.60 |
27 | RM2200.01 – RM2300.00 | RM4.50 | RM4.50 | RM9.00 |
28 | RM2300.01 – RM2400.00 | RM4.70 | RM4.70 | RM9.40 |
29 | RM2400.01 – RM2500.00 | RM4.90 | RM4.90 | RM9.80 |
30 | RM2500.01 – RM2600.00 | RM5.10 | RM5.10 | RM10.20 |
31 | RM2600.01 – RM2700.00 | RM5.30 | RM5.30 | RM10.60 |
32 | RM2700.01 – RM2800.00 | RM5.50 | RM5.50 | RM11.00 |
33 | RM2800.01 – RM2900.00 | RM5.70 | RM5.70 | RM11.40 |
34 | RM2900.01 – RM3000.00 | RM5.90 | RM5.90 | RM11.80 |
35 | RM3000.01 – RM3100.00 | RM6.10 | RM6.10 | RM12.20 |
36 | RM3100.01 – RM3200.00 | RM6.30 | RM6.30 | RM12.60 |
37 | RM3200.01 – RM3300.00 | RM6.50 | RM6.50 | RM13.00 |
38 | RM3300.01 – RM3400.00 | RM6.70 | RM6.70 | RM13.40 |
39 | RM3400.01 – RM3500.00 | RM6.90 | RM6.90 | RM13.80 |
40 | RM3500.01 – RM3600.00 | RM7.10 | RM7.10 | RM14.20 |
41 | RM3600.01 – RM3700.00 | RM7.30 | RM7.30 | RM14.60 |
42 | RM3700.01 – RM3800.00 | RM7.50 | RM7.50 | RM15.00 |
43 | RM3800.01 – RM3900.00 | RM7.70 | RM7.70 | RM15.40 |
44 | RM3900.01 – RM4000.00 | RM7.90 | RM7.90 | RM15.80 |
45 | RM4000.01 – RM4100.00 | RM8.10 | RM8.10 | RM16.20 |
46 | RM4100.01 – RM4200.00 | RM8.30 | RM8.30 | RM16.60 |
47 | RM4200.01 – RM4300.00 | RM8.50 | RM8.50 | RM17.00 |
48 | RM4300.01 – RM4400.00 | RM8.70 | RM8.70 | RM17.40 |
49 | RM4400.01 – RM4500.00 | RM8.90 | RM8.90 | RM17.80 |
50 | RM4500.01 – RM4600.00 | RM9.10 | RM9.10 | RM18.20 |
51 | RM4600.01 – RM4700.00 | RM9.30 | RM9.30 | RM18.60 |
52 | RM4700.01 – RM4800.00 | RM9.50 | RM9.50 | RM19.00 |
53 | RM4800.01 – RM4900.00 | RM9.70 | RM9.70 | RM19.40 |
54 | RM4900.01 – RM5000.00 | RM9.90 | RM9.90 | RM19.80 |
55 | RM5000.01 or above | RM9.90 | RM9.90 | RM19.80 |
Learn more at Rate of Contribution (perkeso.gov.my)
How to calculate EIS Contribution referring to EIS Contribution table?
Here we will provide a certain example for EIS Contribution calculation that referring to EIS Contribution table.
- Flexi has a salary of RM2,000 per month, refer to EIS table, how much does he has to contribute to SOCSO?
Flexi has RM2,000.00
According to the EIS contribution table
From RM1900.01 to 2000.00
Employee’s share: 3.90
Employer’s share: 3.90
Total EIS Contribution of Flexi is RM7.80
- Flexi has a salary of RM4,500 per month, refer to EIS table, how much does he has to make his EIS contribution?
Flexi has RM4,500.00
According to the EIS contribution table
For RM4500.01 to RM4600.00
Employee’s share: 9.10
Employer’s share: 9.10
Total EIS Contribution of Flexi is RM18.20
Try iFlexiHRMS Payroll Solution for One Click Generate Your EIS Calculation Malaysia
iFLEXiHRMS Payroll System allow you to one click process employee monthly EIS Contribution Malaysia. It is a simple and easy payroll software system by allowing your company employee EIS Contribution can be done easily and efficiency.
One click perform employee payroll calculation, you are not required to memorized all payroll formula and employee EIS Contribution in Malaysia.
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