ESS version And CallService version is released!
A. General
1. Amend “ForgetPassword.aspx”, ID and PW email notification will send directly to staff, will not go through CallService.exe engine to send email.
2. Add “Vaccination Status Update” to allow employees submit their vaccination status.
B. CallService [version]
1. Ignore Overdue eMail Delivery [Issue ID: 398]
C. Admin
1. Amend “UserAccessSetup.aspx” -> “btnResendEmail_Click()”.
– Add “CreatedDate” value when create new record in table:EMailNewUserQDErecord
D. eEmployee
1. Add “CreatedDate” value when create new record in table:EmailProfileRecord
E. eLeave
1. Document Rule Review [Issue ID: 403]
a) Enhance below Rule Variables “remark” and “syntax” in table:RuleVariable:
i. ApplyDate
ii. ApplyDateTo
iii. ApplyWorkDay
iv. ApplyWorkDayAfter
v. TotalLeaveAp
* Remove field “TotalWBeforeApplyLeave”, not used anymore.
b) Amend document rules, variable “ApplyWorkDayAfter”. Should deduct today date with “LeaveDateTo” instead of “LeaveDateFrom”.
F. Mobile
1. Add SendEmail API.