Release Notes

ESS Release Notes

iFlexi HRMS product for version 16/07/2020

ReportiFlexiHRMS-989 CP8D Report – Adjust layout and remove gap on 2nd page (Issue id : 129)iFlexiHRMS-978 Daily Attendance Report Department Field Binding Issue (Issue id : 136)iFlexiHRMS-976 Payroll transaction details (Manual) (Issue id : 133)iFlexiHRMS-984 Employee Report – Year of Service List (YOS) — YOS recalculated based on reset on rehired methodiFlexiHRMS-973 Mis Function for …

iFlexi HRMS product for version 16/07/2020 Read More »

ESS Release Notes

iFlexi HRMS Auto Upgrade 12/05/2020

Attendance 1) iFlexiHRMS956 – Fixed of Early Out Issue.  2) iFlexiHRMS967 – Approved OT with Scheduled/ Approved Hours has double offset   QDE 1) iFlexiHRMS961 – Fixed of QDE (Leave Form Data Issues)  Other 1) iFlexiHRMS916 – Mail merge data source mismatched columns and rows

ESS Release Notes

iFlexi HRMS Auto Upgrade 10/08/2017

Tools Fixed – Error when importing PayFlex with not select Employee Master. Enhanced – DBNull value to EmptyString in Import Tools Fixed – Dynamic Report (Deprecated) showing wrong form Data Access Library Fixed – Auto Deduct Null value error – badge printing and Employee master import tools

ESS Release Notes

iFlexiHRMS product for version 24/07/2017

–Attendance— 1. Leave Detail By Department – Enhanced        – Add a new option to include leave record over LeaveFrom and LeaveTo date range specified. 2. Posting Setup – Enhanced – Removed ‘Posting to UBS’ function if users purchase autoPay license. 3. Attendance Process – Fixed – Late in does not included in second half working. …

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ESS Release Notes

iFlexi HRMS Auto Upgrade 15/06/2017

Payroll Fixed incompetence non-standard cut-off  basic prorate (exclude employee new hire/resign/increment) This update is not support compute basic pay of employee new hire/resign/increment with non-standard cut off (it will fix on next version release) This update will show warning during compute/save payroll transaction during Non-Standard Cut-Off period (please kindly suggest customer override basic of new …

iFlexi HRMS Auto Upgrade 15/06/2017 Read More »

ESS Release Notes

iFlexi HRMS Auto Upgrade 03/05/2017

PayRoll Fix error on process adhoc advance and bonus. Fix hourly/daliy showing basic pay on zero basic factor. Fix during prorate basic rounding amount. Fix some formula not work on ORP table. Enhanced zero basic factor on prorate recalculate issue. Enhanced auto upgrade include ResourceList.xml for daliy allowance import enhance.